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W ASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) today issued deadline relief and other guidance under Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) to help employee benefit plans, plan participants and beneficiaries, employers and other plan sponsors, plan fiduciaries, and other service providers … 8 key security considerations for protecting remote workers Many security and IT teams suddenly have to support and protect employees who must work remotely due to the COVID-19 crisis. The 505 enterprises and financial institutions surveyed experienced an average of more than one cyber attack each month and spent an average of almost $3.5 million annually to deal with attacks. Such tactics include shutting down network segments or disconnecting specific computers from the Internet. Employees can unwittingly sabotage systems and create computer security threats through sheer ignorance. Furthermore, if the building does not have any security system then they will slowly back out of the company. If you are concerned with your company’s safety, there are solutions to keeping your assets secure. You’ll need a solution that scans incoming and outgoing Internet traffic to identify threats. Make sure that employees can be comfortable reporting incidents. This is accomplished through a "Physical Security Survey" conducted by a certified GSA physical security specialist. Only 46% percent could be “confident” their remote employees used virtual private networks (VPNs) to increase security when connecting to company networks. Intrusion into an individual’s private solitude or seclusion. Lower employee turnover rate if the work environment is safe. Some of these factors include providing fall protection protocol, proper theft response training, adequate security measures pertaining to security cameras and workplace access. Published: September 14, 2020 More in: Issue Briefs. 8) Basic security “hygiene” Information security is a topic that you’ll want to place at the top of your business plan for years to come. HR mangers work together with safety manager to establish for security programs on the organization. Cybercrime climbs to 2nd most reported economic crime affecting 32% of organizations. HR mangers work together with safety manager to establish for security programs on the organization. It should also keep them from infiltrating the system. We are a full service technology partner with a passion for creating amazing things for clients nationwide. According to … When it comes to mobile devices, password protection is still the go-to solution. It turns out that people in higher positions, such as executive and management roles, are less prone to becoming malicious insiders. Is any of it blocking a fire exit, or strewn throughout the aisles? These are: 1. The human factor plays an important role in how strong (or weak) your company’s information security defenses are. Looking a little deeper, when evaluating the conditions that resulted in a fall, it is likely that the workplace was not adhering to proper scaffolding and ladder regulations. Simple surveys or requests for suggestions or concerns have proven to be sufficient. Although an information security policy is an example of an appropriate organisational measure, you may not need a ‘formal’ policy document or an associated set of policies in specific areas. The BYOD and Mobile Security 2016 study provides key metrics: The bright side is that awareness on the matter of BYOD policies is increasing. Public wifi can be vulnerable to malicious attack, presenting issues for those employees who may need to work from a hotel or conference. As you can see for this recent statistic, privilege abuse is the leading cause for data leakage determined by malicious insiders. Therefore, your remote working / cyber security policy should stipulate that employees should not use public wifi for any sensitive, business critical activities. Working from home: Cybersecurity tips for remote workers. Many organisations offer flexible working practices, with employees working from home on an occasional or full-time basis. He is a cyber security consultant and holds a CCIE and CISSP. They can be used for a variety of applications and are extremely convenient when we need them. The Top 10 Employee Concerns. With the evolving situation of COVID-19, the CCSI Management Team is fully-focused on the safety of our employees, clients, and community. The idea that “security is everyone’s responsibility” circulates across business, government, education, and other types of organizations. And the same goes for external security holes. Unfortunately, the approved software will also have security vulnerabilities, allowing malware to be installed on the device – this is why it is crucial to install all the security patches as soon as they are published. Overall, things seem to be going in the right direction with BYOD security. Cyber criminals aren’t only targeting companies in the finance or tech sectors. Payroll Agency Issues Q and A on Social Security Withholding Change . Unless the rules integrate a clear focus on security, of course. Problem employees inevitably surface in most workplaces and small companies aren't immune. Educate your employees, and they might thank you for it. Be mindful of how you set and monitor their access levels. The first step is to acknowledge the existing cybersecurity risks that expose your organization to malicious hackers. Most companies will therefore already have some experience of the processes involved in home working and the security vulnerabilities associated with … Employees will, of course, be insecure if the area the office is situated is not too secure. A good percentage of annual workplace accidents result from falling. In order to adequately address this problem, employers need to be attentive as to whether a cord is on the ground for a specific project, and the length of time involved in that project. Ninth, virtually every employer depends on vendors and contractors. Companies must, first of all, increase awareness about security and sensitize their remote workers, and educate them about the possible dangers and preventive best practices. Your nearest Federal Protective Service (FPS) office can arrange a risk assessment be performed on your government-owned or leased office or building. And the sad thing is that it often does. It’s not just about the tech, it’s about business continuity. Install security software updates and back up your files. Your job could be secured through terms of an employment contract, collective bargaining agreement or labor legislation that prevents arbitrary termination. When it comes to clutter, just get rid of it. One of the biggest issues is how the two parties talk to each other, or whether they talk at … How to get help. We’re here to help. Employee training and awareness are critical to your company’s safety. Companies everywhere are looking into potential solutions to their cybersecurity issues, as The Global State of Information Security® Survey 2017 reveals. It needs funding and talent to prevent severe losses as a consequence of cyber attacks. Research also indicates that improper conditions usually... 3. Switching to remote working because of the coronavirus can create cybersecurity problems for employers and employees. For example, something as simple as timely patching could have blocked 78% of internal vulnerabilities in the surveyed organizations. Security problems in these cases can range from wage theft to stealing personal information, and each issue can quickly spiral out of control. In fact, 50% of companies believe security training for both new and current employees is a priority, according to Dell’s Protecting the organization against the unknown – A new generation of threats. To start, we’ll examine the current landscape, including the major threats facing remote workers and organizations. Before jumping on the bandwagon, though, make sure you know what tools are available to you and what constitutes legal monitoring in your jurisdiction. Job security is the assurance that you'll keep your job without the risk of becoming unemployed. It should be able to block access to malicious servers and stop data leakage. A good percentage of annual workplace accidents result from falling. Where there is no job security, employees are at high risk of losing their jobs. “Anytime an attack surface increases, as it does when people are working remotely, individuals and companies become more vulnerable,” notes Vikram Chabra, director of the cybersecurity practice at NetEnrich . While this can be secure, a 2019 Check Point study found security problems with some of the most popular RDP tools for Linux and Windows.. Administrative abuse of privileges. He has 20 plus years experience in the IT Industry helping clients optimize their IT environment while aligning with business objectives. We've talked about employee security training in previous posts and now we are going to dig a little deeper so that you can keep your business safe. While the rest of employees work performance will be affected due to the employee absence from work. But remote employees need to adjust to their new environment. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud service provider that’s on almost every company’s radar today, ranking number one … In a 2018 survey by Wi-Fi security company iPass, 57% of CIOs reported they suspect their mobile workers had been hacked or were the cause of security problems. If there is any issue they are unable to tend to themselves then they should be trained on the proper protocol for alerting a supervisor. The Top 7 AWS Security Issues: What You Need to Know. And computers and other devices used by employees at home can be under protected, and be a security risk, Ammon said. Even if issues could be predicted, problems … Clear accountability for security will ensure that you do not overlook these issues, and that your overall security posture does not become flawed or out of date. According to eSecurity Planet‘s 2019 State of IT Security survey, email security and employee training are the top problems faced by IT security pros, … As you can see for this recent statistic, privilege abuse is the leading cause for data leakage determined by malicious insiders. Your first line of defense should be a product that can act proactively to identify malware. But, that is good news. One misstep by an employee can spell disaster in terms of information security. A good approach would be to set reasonable expectations towards this objective and allocate the resources you can afford. But have you considered the corporate cybersecurity risks you brought on by doing so? Polymorphic malware is harmful, destructive or intrusive computer software such as a virus, worm, Trojan, or spyware. Since most crimes are directed toward individuals or offices that have little or no security planning in place. Clearly, data security is a huge liability for small businesses with remote employees—one that needs to be dealt with as a top priority. In the quest to providing your employees with better working conditions and a more flexible environment, you may have adopted the “Bring Your Own Device” policy. As long as your staff has the security of knowing that they will not be punished or criticized for being truthful about their concerns, they normally will be honest – sometimes brutally honest. If an employee fears losing their job for reporting an error, they are unlikely to do so. Essentially, business owners should evaluate their workplaces and identify any potential areas where these problems could occur in order to properly train employees and provide the required attention to those specific areas. In fact, a shocking number of data breaches are caused by a company’s own employees who accidentally share, misplace or mishandle sensitive data. Instead of worrying about short term problems, fretting about bills and debts, and stressing about what management might be thinking about their future with the company, your employees can relax and do their best work. Concerns about job security may be real or perceived, however the impact is often the same. Public Service is a public trust. There may be a flaw in the system that the company needs to patch or fix. Security by its nature must be utilitarian, meaning the “ends justify the means” which in this case is to protect not just the business, but the integrity of each employee and stakeholder who engages with the organization. In terms of protocol, this is actually the law. Tenth and finally, security is a people business. The common vulnerabilities and exploits used by attackers in the past year reveal that fundamental cybersecurity measures are lacking. Related Articles. The real impact of job insecurity. As opposed to the office environment, where IT managers can control the security of all Wi-Fi networks, employees’ home networks probably have weaker protocols (WEP instead of … The right can be found in state statutes, codes, or by judicial case law. Your own employees are your biggest source of security risks. It’s the lower-level employees who can weaken your security considerably. Workplace Security Awareness . Verizon 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report, BYOD and Mobile Security 2016 study provides key metrics, Cybersecurity Jobs, 2015 – Burning Glass Technologies Research, The Global State of Information Security® Survey 2017, 2016 NTT Group Global Threat Intelligence Report, From EDR to XDR: The Evolution of Endpoint Security, Top 7 Online Courses for a Successful Career in Cybersecurity, Must-Read: The 10 Best Cybersecurity Books You Need to Know About. But that doesn’t eliminate the need for a recovery plan. Be mindful of how you set and monitor their access levels. This plan should include what can happen to prevent the cyber attack, but also how to minimize the damage if is takes place. We know that there are plenty of issues to consider when it comes to growing your business, keeping your advantages and planning for growth. As a result, managers (and everyone else) should oversee how data flows through the system and know how to protect confidential information from leaking to cyber criminal infrastructure. Security standards are a must for any company that does business nowadays and wants to thrive at it. In fact, most of the issues surrounding securing payroll are very much based around the human element. develop policies, procedures, and oversight processes, identify and address risks associated with remote access to client information and funds transfer requests, define and handle risks associated with vendors and other third parties. 9. He has helped customers and lead teams with a balanced approach to strategy & planning, execution, and personal principles. The categories below can provide some guidance for a deliberate effort to map and plan to mitigate them in the long term. Poor Understanding of Security and Protection Protocol. Beware remote desktop tools. In this article, I’ll focus on the second issue, which topics to include in your security training and awareness program. Sometimes, the problems are obvious, such as attendance issues or … Technology isn’t the only source for security risks. Ensuring compliance with company rules is not the equivalent of protecting the company against cyber attacks. Means of guarding against theft include recording with cameras, concise situational evaluation, involving law enforcement, proper supervision, and adequate prevention. The quicker you report an issue, the better. Unfortunately, this is an area where ignorance is definitely not bliss, and could potentially land you in a lot of trouble. To ensure that the security programs cover the broad issues related to employees’ security, security audits are conducted. Cybersecurity Best Practices to Keep Your Online Business Safe, Don’t be an over-sharer: safety precautions to take when outsourcing to a developer, Observability – Visibility as a Service (VaaS), the attackers, who are getting better and faster at making their threats stick. Your security may require direct employee monitoring -- from video cameras to keystroke logging. Enterprise risk management requires that every manager in the company has access to the parts of the security system that are relevant to them. The suggestions below are applicable regardless of whether your employees are using smartphones or computers, or if they’re using their own … Its key asset is that it can change constantly, making it difficult for anti-malware programs to detect it. Social Security Numbers: With the increase in identity theft, various statutory laws have been enacted to protect the privacy of social security numbers. As part of their cybersecurity policy, companies should: Another risk businesses have to deal with is the confusion between compliance and a cybersecurity policy. The nature of labor unions and labor laws can be an important variable for managers from other countries when dealing with host-country national employees. For example, many states expressly limit and/or prohibit the use of all or part … Work talk should be limited to private spaces. Cyber criminals use less than a dozen vulnerabilities to hack into organizations and their systems, because they don’t need more. This can occur when employees are... 2. Examples of conduct violations include: Accepting gifts and/or money from a person doing business with SSA; Holding financial interests that conflict with official duties Payroll Agency Issues Q and A on Social Security Withholding Change. Simple mistakes such as clicking rigged links in … 8 key security considerations for protecting remote workers Many security and IT teams suddenly have to support and protect employees who must work remotely due to the COVID-19 crisis. Research also indicates that improper conditions usually result from poor understanding of workplace safety regulations, theft, surveillance camera issues, and door access control. While the rest of employees work performance will be affected due to the employee absence from work. The best would be to ask your employees to set the updates to be installed automatically. For an employee … According to eSecurity Planet‘s 2019 State of IT Security survey, email security and employee training are the top problems faced by IT security pros, … Employers advised to educate employees on security issues. When it comes to security it is very common that writers will briefly touch on ethics, and often it is from a purely teleology perspective. But, as with everything else, there is much more companies can do about it. Workplace theft comes in a variety of forms, so it is important to comprehensively address them all. Clearly, there is plenty of work to be done here. How to Capitalize on Smart IT Solutions for Your Retail Business. From an NSA employee leaving highly classified hacking tools on an open server, to a helpful Apple employee resetting a password for an imposter, the best-intentioned people make mistakes. Integration seems to be the objective that CSOs and CIOs are striving towards. It won’t be easy, given the shortage of cybersecurity specialists, a phenomenon that’s affecting the entire industry. Pick up any newspaper or watch any news channel and you hear about “breach du jour”. Author Bio: Larry Bianculli is managing director of enterprise and commercial sales at CCSI. The specialists’ recommendation is to take a quick look at the most common file types that cyber attackers use to penetrate your system. Take stock of your present measures and possible weak … For example, many states expressly limit and/or prohibit the use of all or part of social security numbers as computer passwords or employee ID numbers. OSHA considers it a violation to leave extension cords on the ground for multiple weeks or months. Financial Cybersecurity: Are Your Finances Safe? Sometimes, it is deliberate; sometimes, it is not. Many employers are unaware of their employee’s rights when it comes to privacy and other issues at the workplace. Most breaches can be attributed to human error. 1: Your employees. It just screams: “open for hacking!”. If employees become aware of an error, even after it has happened, reporting it to IT means actions can still be taken to mitigate damage. And the companies, which still struggle with the overload in urgent security tasks. The good news is that by providing effective information security training to our users, we can solve many of our security issues. Many businesses these days still don’t take the necessary steps that they need to in order to keep up to speed when it comes to protecting themselves against cyberattacks. On the bright side, just because there are dangers present does not mean they can’t be surmounted or avoided. Disputes between employees or a direct disagreement between an employee and business owner are situations that can occur frequently. They’re threatening every single company out there. No local government employer should implement the employee social security tax deferral without first consulting with its attorney and auditor. The human filter can be a strength as well as a serious weakness. People probably aren’t becoming online security ninjas while they’re balancing remote work with myriad other issues. While it is good advice to only connect to trusted networks this is not always feasible. One effective means of preventing clutter clusters is to train your employees to clean as they go. Conduct a Crime Prevention Assessment - A complete, professional assessment of your security needs is the first step toward an effective security program. Meanwhile, we often feel obliged to check work emails on personal computers or phones outside of business hours. We have to find them all. An employer’s improper questioning of an employee (e.g., sexual habits or orientation) may also give ris… 2. If 77% of organizations lack a recovery plan, then maybe their resources would be better spent on preventive measures. If the IRS issues any additional guidance, this blog post will be updated and an update date will be displayed under the blog post title. I like to ask them about their key challenges. A lack of proper education on information safety is another major problem in many businesses. Some security issues never change: Human fallibility is always in play, ... More security responsibility shifts to individual employees. Security fails without stakeholder support and commitment. In addition to causing bandwidth problems, remote work can also strain security filters that inspect traffic entering and leaving company data centers. Some reasons for this are as followings. Theft is a serious workplace issue that requires extensive training in terms of security systems and proper protocol. By doing their best work and concentrating on their career trajectory, they can build status in your field and save for their retirement. Psychological and sociological aspects are also involved. However, their use for a specific application should not be permanent, especially if connecting one requires it to be strewn across a busy walkway. It is easy to rally around safety and security at the expense of privacy while on the company network. Employee rights to privacy at work. Consider the objects you might have scattered about your workplace. This is why company culture plays a major role in how it handles and perceives cybersecurity and its role. High Places. It’s the lower-level employees who can weaken your security considerably. Research suggests that as many as one-third of all employers perform such monitoring to some degree. When it comes to clutter, just get rid of it. Employee Monitoring & Ethical Considerations Additionally, it is a good idea to designate a block of time at the end of a shift to ensure that the workplace is clean and ready for the next day. And jobs tend to be a favorite subject of discussion. But with 20,000 calls coming into our phone center each day, wait times are very long, and many of … In the office environment, this is rarely an issue. What I hear come through when a new breach is announced is how most companies continue to stay vulnerable irrespective of their sector, size, and resources. 1. That’s precisely one of the factors that incur corporate cybersecurity risks. Following IT security best practices means keeping your security software, web browsers, and operating systems updated with the latest protections. They’re the less technological kind. Not prioritizing the cybersecurity policy as an issue and not getting employees to engage with it is not something that companies nowadays can afford. How Mobile-Savvy IT Protects a Company’s Bottom Line, 5 Questions to Ask About Your Managed Services Agreement, Why Your Business Should Upgrade from Microsoft Access to a Custom Application. This will tell you what types of actionable advice you could include in your employees’ trainings on cybersecurity. With hackers using increasingly sophisticated modes of attack on a … Security is a company-wide responsibility, as our CEO always says. So, it is time to round up all of Facebook's troubles from the past year and a half. You should be aware that any approach falls under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Access to Medical Reports Act. As opposed to the office environment, where IT managers can control the security of all Wi-Fi networks, employees’ home networks probably have weaker protocols (WEP instead of WPA-2, … One thing no one wants in the workplace is a safety hazard. All SSA employees are bound by the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch. This issue came up at the 2015 World Economic Forum and it will probably still be relevant for a few more years. Having a strong plan to protect your organization from cyber attacks is fundamental. Cyber security is a matter that concerns everyone in the company, and each employee needs to take an active role in contributing to the company's security. Despite increasing mobile security threats, data breaches and new regulations. Such an employer would defer the employee share of Social Security taxes over 9 payroll periods in 2020, but would recoup them over 8 payroll periods in 2021. External attacks are frequent and the financial costs of external attacks are significant. Information Security. 7. Physical Security Survey - A major goal of GSA's Federal Protective Service is to provide better protection for Federal employees and visitors by pinpointing high-risk areas in Federal buildings where potential problems or emergency situations might occur. Many of the studies alluded to above also place hazards relating to clutter near the top of the list in terms of workplace safety issues. Unfortunately, the statistics reveal that companies are not ready to deal with such critical situations: Observing the trend of incidents supported since 2013, there has been little improvement in preparedness In 2015 there was a slight increase in organizations that were unprepared and had no formal plan to respond to incidents. Think of this security layer as your company’s immune system. They’re an impactful reality, albeit an untouchable and often abstract one. Value proposition for potential buyers: Cofense has a suite of products and services to help organizations of any size improve employee awareness about security issues, as … Social Security Numbers: With the increase in identity theft, various statutory laws have been enacted to protect the privacy of social security numbers. So amid this turbulent context, companies desperately need to incorporate cybersecurity measures as a key asset. The investigation should include speaking with the employee and investigating the medical issues. What’s’ more, even if the project extends over multiple days, weeks, or months, it is a good idea to wrap the cord and store it at the end of each shift. Many employers will be allowing employees to access their work networks via Remote Desktop Protocols (RDPs). Of course, not all employees are working at home; millions are still at work. Moreover, relying on antivirus as a single security layer and failing to encrypt data is an open invitation for attackers. Once the employee has contacted the SSA Office, he/she should inform you of any changes. The increasing frequency of high-profile security breaches has made C-level management more aware of the matter. Several issues related to employee relations are often concerns in international situations. Being prepared for a security attack means to have a thorough plan. They must remember that loose lips sink ships. Unanswered or ignored, this can have a negative impact on employees’ health, engagement, and performance at work. 16 November 2008 5:00am. Criminals are all automated and the only way for companies to counter that is to be automated as well to find those vulnerabilities…the bad guys only have to find one hole. Internet-delivered attacks are no longer a thing of the future. Pete Cheslock June 15, 2016. 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