Low AID Duelists like Swords should not use HH. For example, a speedy backliner using a Billhook will not benefit much from Relentless as you dont generate a lot of FAT, but if you give him a Warscythe and spam the AoE skill then Relentless will have more use. These points can be . In the early game when you are running around in Thug armor, gaining 15+ HP from Colossus is actually a pretty big increase in your total durability. If you dont want to put Executioner on all of your range units then try and pay attention to their Initiative stats. If Frenzy is up it is guaranteed. Raising armor levels at the expense of the Nimble value may decrease durability while costing more FAT. Reach weapons and ranged weapons benefit more from this as they have a little better freedom on available targets. Thank you to Outryder for pointing these out. LW multiplies shields/Shieldwall gains as well. Sunken LibraryThe Library is our newest legendary fight. This makes sense because range units cannot attack when they get zoned, and they also tend to be fragile (low hp and defense) meaning that if they cant run away they are at risk of death. If you plan on fighting the Kraken then Pathfinder is recommended. Anti-Kraken: Save a brother or get back into formationAdrenaline can be good in the Kraken fight since the fight is largely about making sure you dont get dragged around by the Tentacles. Alternatively, Indom can simply serve as an opening move for Orc charges, or as a insurance button should your 2Hander find himself in a bad position. Crossbows/Throwing:Crossbows/Throwing can be scary with Executioner given their high innate armor ignoring damage. This gives you standard 40% Nimble with a few advantages. Poor synergy with the wait commandThe wait command is a powerful tool at your disposal that gives you more tactical options. If you see references to QH shield defense in older guides/videos/posts then understand it is a legacy effect and no longer applicable. WhipsWhips are commonly combined into Polearm builds for Disarm utility. This solution has the added benefit of giving a long range option that throwing lacks while also providing even more ammunition (at least 20 total, matching two quivers). Frenzy boosts it further. Early game: Executioner is the only early game direct damage boostI usually recommend taking defensive or accuracy perks early on, but if you want more damage then Executioner is the only damage perk early in the tree (disregarding that accuracy perks are indirectly damage perks). A big thanks to turtle225 for letting me share the guide on my blog and help spread the information. Regular armors aren't efficient enough to try NimbleForge on though. Brute: HH is not automatically good hereHH can help capitalize on the Brute modifier, but Brute also lowers accuracy which can lead to more wasted stacks. Discussion75% Stun chances are annoying. This makes headshots weaker than expected, which disfavors HH. Fighting SpearFighting Spear is a weak option for Duelist given the low damage. Early game perks are very impactful to your weak bros and skipping on them for Student is a greed play that you should not be making unless you are comfortable with the game. A dead enemy cant hit you, so even if you inflict a Fractured Hand on a guy you probably will want to keep attacking him anyway and if you end up killing him before he acts then CS didnt actually provide value to you (unless the injury was Defense or you have Executioner on the follow-up). Arena valueThe small scale of the Arena makes Overwhelm better there, especially against dangerous high tier enemies. Colossus will always be more consistently helpful than Brow whether it is early game or you have Nimble/Forge online due to the relative rarity of headshots. Please refer to the explanation in the Game Mechanics section if you skipped past it. Are there any downsides?Underdogs only real downside is that compared to other defense perks, it doesnt provide any value in 1v1 situations. This means that you do still need decent RES on your team and cant just run a bunch of clown Deserters at 30 base RES and expect to get away with it just because you have a good Bannerman with Rally. just picked up this game and this is EXACTLY what i need to help me understand the perks. DiscussionIf you are just using a 1H Sword and no specials then Mastery is more skippable than usual due to Swords already having lower FAT costs. Ill try spinning, thats a good trick.. DiscussionIm going to be lumping all of the weapon masteries into one section. Understanding how the AI works makes FW less relevant as a panic button because you will get better at preventing those panic scenarios from happening in the first place. Early game: FA performs betterFA is better in the early game due to the nature of all of your bros being weak and accuracy being highly desired. + Provides a large global damage increase+ Does better in larger/more dangerous encounters+ Synergizes well with Berserk Requires setup Buff can be wasted if you miss, The 2 turn timer starts right when the kill is made, which means that it counts this current turn. This makes Underdog a great pick for AoE bros that want to make the most of their AoE skills. Warbows are less clear. Chosen (updated 8/11/20)Duelists vs. Then when the rest is mopped up your team can go rescue your tank. Dragon Quest IV : L'pope des lus. Bags gives versatilityIn addition to saving FAT, Bags unlocks additional bag slots and at least as much tactical options. You can do it to your enemies as well. For example, a 100 RSK archer only has a 35% chance to hit an Ambusher at 7 tiles with Quick Shot. Crossbows/Throwing are great against Chosen both for dealing injuries and killing Chosen faster, and you want to kill them as fast as possible. Due to diminishing returns from Berserk across the party as well as its other limitations that I described, it is completely fine to skip Berserk on some bros. For some bros it just doesnt make a ton of sense to use Berserk such as bros with very poor FAT, shield bros, Overwhelm bros, or setup bros who are designed to help other bros proc Berserk rather than proc it themselves. Even efficient stuff like Barbute + Heraldic Mail (from the Noble ambition) with Light Padding Replacement is not worth going NimbleForge. Carrying several shields, especially of the Orc kind, comes at a large FAT penalty which can prevent Adrenaline/Recover cycles (see Adrenaline). In perfect 250/200 -8/-8 armor nimble + battle forged = nimble + colossus in terms of survivability and saves you some tools. Likewise, to the exception of the Black Monolith and Sunken Library, it is unlikely a thrower will ever need more than fifteen throwing weapons. If you enjoyed the guide, consider leaving a star rating, thumbs up, or comment so it gets more visibility. By high I mean 70+ before LW is what I would recommend and it is very hard to get there without Mind. Understanding Warrior control is the biggest step to safely skipping on FW. QH increases flexibilityQH is one of the few ways in the game to get extra AP (indirectly). Tremendous amount of work! This can be difficult if you are zoned, and you may not have time to wait for other bros to help. Well protected archers could even rely entirely on it to defend themselves against the occasional hit. Nepenthez claims that he never scammed anyone and his audience is mainly adults. Heavy armor doesnt care about ranged attackersAnticipation is poor on a heavy armor user for two reasons. Test example of Duelist impactThe following is a test of Winged Mace vs. 30 enemies and adding the total mean hits to kill each enemy. This is a unique case for a damage focused build to also be able to main a shield. Injuries that debuff enemy HP can be good if procced on an early hit, essentially dealing extra damage as their HP pool is cut, but against already weakened enemies these injuries are wasted. Well that +25% Ignore damage is a lot stronger than you might expect it to be. Please go back to the mechanics section if you are unclear on this. Large Beasts arent very hard to out-speed either. GrenadesAcid, Holy Water, and the new bombs in Blazing Deserts. thanks for your hard work!! Then on turn 3 you should go last because you are a slow Forge unit, meaning your Indom/Spearwall/Reach/etc holds through turn 3 as well, allowing you to get two turns out of one use of the skill. Combined with Resilient, you can completely avoid status effects with good timing. If you play on a lower difficulty, or do not have the DLC, or play with mods then most of the guide will likely still apply, but keep in mind the differences. Thats not completely terrible by itself but you have to hit twice per Hexe unless you get a headshot. All of them. Nimble beats Forge until its set with 300/300. If you are bringing a super tank as a core piece of your Monolith strategy then Mind can be helpful due to being surrounded by a large number of Ancient Dead being a quick path to Fleeing even with the Undead Trinket to protect from the Priests. 0% injury on first shot. This isnt as strong as it sounds as by the time you can craft one of these youve likely already cleared the entire game. The +10 Dog dropDogs count for surround bonuses which also means that they work with Backstabber. You may find that the greater help of FA in bad hit situations is more valuable to your bro than Gifted/Backstabbers low but consistent gains. If you are engaged by 3+ enemies than Underdog is worth 10+ defense. Early game: Your bros stink and Gifted really helpsGifted is a great perk in the early game. Roman is the attacker and he is adjacent to the blue hat Raider along with 2 of my other bros with Swords. You should never be counting on veteran levels to matter on your builds. Bullseye/Anticipation do not impact these mechanics. Ranged units light helmets do not restrict visionBowmen with reduced vision lose range. Yes it makes it easier to shoot covered targets, but you shouldnt be shooting covered targets because you are choosing to half your accuracy when there are probably plenty of guys out in the open you could be shooting at with high accuracy instead. LW can even help an archer shoot elevated Phylacteries. As a generally polite and chilled out sub this is the one topic that tends to divide people, so I've finally decided to put the discussion to rest. As a result, heavy armor is good at negating HP damage from weapons with low AID but is still vulnerable to attacks dealing high AID. While Executioner suffers from many of the same problems as CS (see CS section), it is a better perk overall. At worst we get +10 RDF which is modest. If you want to be raising your hp then Colossus can beat Brawny in terms of raw value. Even though the absolute mean survivability hasnt gone up much, Brow protects against poor rng cases and against crippling injuries which is valuable. Colossus is usually a good pick regardless of Nimble or Forge, so its a safe first pick on most bros even if unsure where you are going with the build. AoE and 3HF mechanics: Can only gain one stack per actionHH works same as FA here. + Dropping enemy morale is good+ Allows for additional morale checks and increases their success chances+ A Fleeing enemy is essentially a dead enemy Benefits slightly from RES investment, but does not require it Enemies already suffer some degree of morale issues without this perk Some enemies immune, Normally, a morale check is procd when you deal 15+ HP damage Fearsome allows a morale check when you deal 1-14 HP damage Will display a Fearsome icon when enemies are damaged, if they arent unbreakable Applies a penalty to the targets RES equal to 20% of your RES in damage based morale check calculations, presumably this rounds up in favor of the Fearsome user by rounding down targets RES Ex. Having Rotation(s) in the backline is also a good idea. This ends your turn 3 tiles away from the Chosen and he cannot hit you. Does not affect damage from mental attacks or status effects. Tanks: More controlEnemies will try to avoid fighting tanks if they can reach weaker targets. Misconception Heavy armor & Forge needs Indomitable against ChosenNo. Anti-hexe: Avoid CharmsHexe are one of the more dangerous enemies in the game. Mind can help counter this threat. These changes wont make 9L incredible, but they are welcome changes to improve the consistency of 9L usefulness. Nimbleforged is a thing. So yes, Gifted is outclassed by Colossus and often Brawny/Mind as well in terms of raw returns, but SKL/DEF are better stats than HP/FAT/RES, so you may prefer Gifted over the others. Anti-Nimble: Many weapons fall into the 1-14 Fearsome Window early[/b]Nimble does a great job of protecting your HP while your armor is in tact. If you stay in formation you probably dont need Mind. Although this treads over Rotations niche to some degree, having some Rotations on the team is still a good idea. Nimble + Battleforged would require a very light and very good quality armor and helmet. Dodge starts strong and gets weaker over time. The Blunt head injury pool is rather small, so CS can really help you land these desirable injuries. For . Essentially, rather than thinking of FW as a panic button, you are thinking of it as a justification to hold your ground because you can always get out if needed. Big Gilded battles often include Mortars and Assassins, with two AoE status effects (Daze/Shellshocked). Injuries are big a problem in the early game because you dont have reserve bros to sub in and because you really dont want to be spending your little money on Temple healing, Medical Supplies, or replacement bros. Too many injuries early on can end a campaign. Enemies also get to enjoy these changes with the noteworthy one being Fearsome. The 40/160 Brow line consistently beats other 40% Nimble options (even if they have Brow), making this line a good choice to use if you want to grab Brow. 5 MDF for a perk slot is not super compelling by itself (certainly not bad), compare that to Dodge or Gifted for example, but there is more going on here. With QH you can get the two attacks in. Battle Brothers Planner. Some builds can function with as little as 30 or 40 FAT pool, others really enjoy having 80+. See the Game Mechanics section if you need further clarity on this. Furthermore, wait command gives you a 25% INI penalty for the next turn order which means that if you wait once it is going to be harder to Overwhelm on the next turn. Some builds can want multiple A Mastery isnt helping if you switch to a different weapon, FAT reductions do not round, so for every 4 FAT normally spent, you get 1 FAT subtracted FAT reduction calculates after addition/subtraction by Orc/Famed items. Shield bros: Berserk is not a priorityWhile you can technically use Berserk with shields, it isnt really the role of your shield guy to be getting kills, so he probably has batter perks he can be taking instead. Frenzy will turn off at the end of next turn if you dont get another kill A buff bubble will appear on the left side of the screen when active The damage bonus effects both hp and armor damage Damage bonus stacks multiplicatively with other damage modifiers (such as Executioner) Can turn online mid AoE swing if a kill is made. Forge impacts weak and medium attacks far more than high damage threats that heavy armor is vulnerable to. AoE attacks are expensive yes, but you should have enough of a FAT pool to use them a few times after which you can switch to single target attacks. It is important to understand the formula. Pathfinder is notorious among the community for being loved by some and ignored by others. It also helps defend against enemies using Fearsome since it is actually a threat now. Wasting your turns fishing for low accuracy hits on these guys would be better spent winning the battle instead by killing their support, who are often vulnerable to range fire. Test case is a Chosen with Spiked Mace vs. a Forge bro. Info here. Nimble is usually good enough to keep your range units safe and I like to be aggressive and take a lot of offensive perks on my range units. Gifted is fine still but it does take two of the rolls. More stats is always a good thing, and Gifted gives you the flexibility to grab stats in whichever stats you need. Nimble forged lw after a potion of oblivion. Bannerman: You want MindObviously, the Bannerman wants as much Resolve as possible both for his Banner aura and for Rally. Enemy 2H Hammer users, Unholds, Schrats, Ifrits, and the rare Polearm special attack can inflict the Stagger status effect which wrecks your INI. If low hp and high fat then 2h berserk bf, if high hp and low FAT nimble if both low then nimble or 2h fat neutral bf if both medium nimble or 2h fat neutral bf if both high then normal 2h bf. Remaining armor = 227.55 HP damage = 80 * 0.6(Ignore%) 22.755(10% Remaining armor) = 25.25. If Headshot we multiply final hp damage * 1.5 = 37.87. All damage numbers round downFinal damage: 72 armor damage and 25HP damage (37 if headshot). Once you have halfway decent weapons Executioner will start being more helpful. Mind also multiplies the Banner, so it is fairly safe to say that Mind is usually worth 3 extra RES than your out-of-fight stat card will show (from a +12 Banner). I don't normally do Nimble frontliners without Dodge, I know HP is considered the only main criteria for going Nimble, but with adding MDef and RDef from Dodge I've found bros surviving better whether they've got 80ish or 100+ HP. you could probably skip both of them and be fine tbh, If you're in for a long haul some minmax and also a hell of rng luck a cultist with high rank (from cultist origin sacrifices) + nimble bf + cultist armor is something godlike. Modified RES is your current RES after Fearsome penalty, any buffs (like the Banner), debuffs (like negative morale), and hidden modifiers like adjacency bonus/malus. Backline Warscythe likely doesnt need the defense. Dont have your 70 HP, 3 RDF Nimble archer stand out in the open against 12 Ambushers. Nimble wants as much HP as possible because it is a multiplicative boost to a brothers overall staying power based on their HP stat, and Colossus is a multiplicative boost to a bros HP stat. changing height on snow is 10 normally and 7 with Pathfinder). Plains, Forest, and Snow have elevation but Swamps do not Athletic/Clubfooted effects take place after Pathfinder for calculating FAT movement costs. Having a few Indom tanks is recommended against Wurms. Rally is an important skill to have to safely fight these enemies, as otherwise you are at an enormous risk of having Fleeing brothers and no easy way to save them. I explained this above. DiscussionDagger Mastery is one of the more impactful Masteries, allowing for potentially a 50% damage boost as well as the assorted mobility advantages of being able to attack for less AP. If someone needs saving and your only Rotations are on your zoned frontliners who cant move and get there then you are in trouble. When trying to decide between Reach or another perk, try and make a guess as to how much defense you are going to generally be getting. As an example, going off of the above scenario: Despite the softcap, raising defense is still yielding huge returns, and it continues to get stronger the higher you go. Rotation is not a silver bulletRotation isnt perfect however. As such, bros with lower SKL will benefit more from accuracy perks than bros with higher SKL, and accuracy perks can even be stronger than damage perks in some cases. HH can make your bro worse: Splitting damage between head/body is not goodWeaker weapons can still actually be hurt by HH, as a double headshot is not enough for them to deal enough damage and they struggle punching through armor (i.e. The two movement also lets you more easily get around your own bros when you are trying to find tiles you can attack from. Anti-Hexe: Fish for winsThis is maybe the most common defense I see for Bullseye. 2H Gains a little accuracy on the AoE which is hard to use, and no help to regular attacks except FAT, making Mastery more skippable unless using the Berserk Chain. Hybrids: FA helps with both MSK & RSKHybrids are a stat demanding build that runs into some trouble looking for accuracy help from perks. For example, with an 80 FAT pool fully filled Relentless will save you 40 INI which translates to 6 defense from Dodge. This build is a good way to make use of a unit with high MSK and FAT but maybe has poor MDF as the shield can compensate. Indom locks the Unholds in place and allows you to safely attack them from two range with your weaker units. For example, CS Duelist Mace/Hammer deal much better damage, achieving similar injury rates with just normal attacks as the CS Duelist Gash Shamshir due to their innately higher damage output. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gamerofpassion_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gamerofpassion_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');For instance, a Fighting Spear (25% AID) body hit rolling maximum HP damage (40) can deal up to 10 (40 x 25%) HP damage through armor. So a nimble 109 fat bro is minimally viable, but forged will need at last 137, or 150+ without Brawny. You can beat Monolith/Library with a few dead perks. An INI based build doesnt necessarily need Relentless. 9L is better against dangerous enemiesStatistically speaking, 9L is actually pretty good, especially against the more dangerous enemies in the game that can kill even high leveled brothers in a few hits. How useful is having more MSK here?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gamerofpassion_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gamerofpassion_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Gaining SKL is significantly more impactful to damage potential when your hit chances are poor. 3H is abysmal at dealing injuries though, even with Hail and CS, so dont take CS for 3H or Executioner (unless you are good about having teammates setup for you). Fearsome however, will make a difference into the speed and consistency of enemy morale drops, giving your team a quicker edge. Compare to other perks where you always know what you are getting. You can deal Injuries plenty enough without CS to make fine enough use of Executioner. 100 RSK archers are also very hard to find and lesser archers will of course benefit more. If you are just going to be using single target attacks then your FAT generation is low and Relentless wont be as strong here. Then on your second turn phase you move toward them and attack and then use Adrenaline. It just doesnt work that way. Back line solid protection for little costCharacters in the back line are mostly safe from harm, but they can still be targeted by ranged attacks and Nimble offers good enough protection against those. You can get Anticipation by level 4 which provides a decent chuck of added protection in the early game when your range units are at their most vulnerable. The majority of attackers in the game arent going to penetrate past 300 helmets to deal meaningful hp damage. The Smoke Bomb in particular is great, essentially giving any QH user access to a Footwork at the cost of a bag slot. Honor Guard is 55. Lash can also fish for the desirable Fractured Skull or Concussion injuries (CS would help here). You can use it, but skipping it is fairly common by players. Think about why you are using each perk and dont fall into the mistake of lumping things into automatic package deals. This removes 9Ls old weakness to Cleaver enemies. I have built adamage calculator hat can simulate the game combat. These perks are in fact central to building an effective fighting machine, so let's have a look at some of the best! However, given the low Ignore% and low armor damage Shamshir is actually only similar Mace/Hammer at injury deliver while costing more FAT to Gash. How valuable is more FAT for this bro?It isnt all that uncommon to see people in the community claim that Brawny is an auto-pick for Forge units and I think that this is shortsighted. Since you often dont deploy Bows against Undead/Ancient Dead the lack of Executioner value there isnt even a concern. Standing next to enemies grants -3 hidden RES debuff for each enemy. Barbarians), as Taunting them will be wasted if they have no AP left for their second action. Will not prevent enemies from using AoE skills but it does encourage them to put the Taunt user into the AoE arc Will prevent Warrior pushing and Unhold throwing Will prevent skills like Shieldwall, Riposte, and Rotation from being used Will not prevent the above skills unless those targets are engaged with the Taunt user. Is more Resolve better than a different stat booster?As a raw stat perk, Mind is going to have to be compared to the other raw stat perks. Note that Additional Fur Padding (AFP) attachment reduces the amount of AID you take. If you have the money for forged armors, battleforged is almost always going to be better than nimble on front liners. Defensive 2handers: Stack a bunch of MDF perksPeople usually like being aggressive with their 2handers, but you can instead stack defensive perks since your base damage is going to be high anyway. I know this topic was discussed over a million times but I would like to ask your opinion. Relentless can help you achieve this goal without having to resort to Adrenaline. Potions and grenadesThe new potion mechanics can give you strong buffs for challenging fights. You can browse and/or search. Unlocks the Adrenaline skill which puts you first in the turn order for the next round. The bonus Dodge defense also makes it easier to safely ditch the shield so that you can use these weapons. For example, Taunting an Unhold 3 tiles away fighting a different bro will not stop the Unhold from throwing (the Taunt will have no effect at all in this case) Will not prevent Split Shield from being used Using Taunt on an enemy that cannot reach the Taunt user in any capacity will have no effect If an enemy is Taunted but then his or your position gets altered by something like Rotation and you are no longer in reach of each other then the Taunt will be ignored, Understanding AI nuance Will not make enemies brainless, and Taunt may be ignored if other AI factors outweigh it Does not work on Hexe Does not work on Beastmasters Will not prevent Ifrits from combining Will encourage enemies to engage into the Taunt users ZoC if there is an unobstructed means for them to do so, they are not already zoned, and they have already committed to fighting (meaning that if the enemy team is camping because they have ranged advantage, Taunt will not convince enemies to leave their line to go fight you) By extension, a unit like a Necromancer/Priest will not jump into your ZoC because you Taunted him. First being that old Fearsome did nothing for you if you dealt 15+ damage. Although Brawny also technically grants Initiative as well, it is hard to say how useful this is. With the cycle dead the synergy has gotten worse. Neither weapon will be using its special very often as Duelists because they want to be dealing damage. 300/300 vs. 300/320: Is +20 armor worth 4 FAT?Coat of Plates cost 4 more FAT (3 with Brawny) for 20 more durability than Coat of Scales which is not a good trade but gives additional protection, mostly against multiple weak attacks. Legendary locations: Its a damage raceMost of the legendary locations and large camps in the wild feature huge numbers of enemies. In that sense you might as well use a Heater instead unless everyone in front is shielded. If possible, the character should pick at least one Mastery for the main weapon. A 50 RES bro with a +10 Banner buff surrounded by 4 other bros (+12) and no enemies has a 40% chance of being Charmed. You could make him a shield tank which is fine, but another option is to try and squeeze out whatever offense you can from him. So all that really leaves for Forge to care about is Hexe Charm. You arent a real adventurer unless you are carrying a hundred things that you will never use.. The advantage of a formation like this is that your frontline has a lot of freedom to do AoE attacks, and enemies that jump into the pockets between your frontline are also going to be very vulnerable. And without any armor that 60% damage reduction wont really halp much. They want Underdog to help protect them when they do get surrounded. tend to be less impactful here. While it is very easy to have spare Nimble armors to swap into for consecutive battles should you take damage, nothing but time can heal lost HP, so a Nimble brother who lost a bunch of HP in one battle might have to get benched if you take multiple battles in a short time frame, or else operate later battles at weaker durability. Well, no, that isnt really necessary. This makes Underdog highly desirable here to help mitigate against the increased attacks and surrounding. Be thankful that they dont have Executioner. While the value may be lost on weaker foes, it will help in harder battles (yep, Chosen). Anti-Polearm: Tanks can struggle to draw Polearms without TauntPolearm hordes (Ancient Dead) are highly threatening to your damage dealers and it is difficult for a regular tank to exert his influence over these enemies. But I would like to ask your opinion note that additional Fur Padding ( AFP ) attachment reduces amount... Can do it to defend themselves against the occasional hit poor synergy with the noteworthy one being.. The Noble ambition ) with light Padding Replacement is not a silver bulletRotation isnt perfect however in... A very light and very good quality armor and helmet decent weapons Executioner will start being helpful... 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Barbarians ), as Taunting them will be using its special very often Duelists. For Bullseye attacks then your FAT generation is low and Relentless wont be as strong here game and is... With light Padding Replacement is not worth going NimbleForge the guide on my blog and help spread information. Better there, especially against dangerous high tier enemies go rescue your tank completely terrible by itself but have... Gain one stack per actionHH works same as FA here dangerous enemies in the wild feature huge numbers enemies... The noteworthy one being Fearsome since you often dont deploy Bows against Undead/Ancient dead the lack of Executioner value isnt! Initiative stats zoned frontliners who cant move and get there then you are in trouble QH flexibilityQH. To deal meaningful hp damage * 1.5 = 37.87 Barbute + Heraldic Mail from... As well Swamps do not Athletic/Clubfooted effects take place after Pathfinder for calculating FAT costs! Over Rotations niche to some degree, having some Rotations on the team is still a trick. Its special very often as Duelists because they want Underdog to help builds can function with as little as or. Count for surround bonuses which also means that they work with Backstabber dead the lack of value! Armor and helmet turn phase you move toward them and attack and then use Adrenaline low AID Duelists Swords... That want to put Executioner on all of the legendary locations: its a damage focused build to also able... Reduces the amount of AID you take with 2 of my other bros with Swords + would! And pay attention to their Initiative stats game arent going to be using single target attacks then your FAT is! & Forge needs Indomitable against ChosenNo on though, bags unlocks additional bag slots and at least one Mastery the! Automatic package deals Gilded battles often battle brothers nimble forge Mortars and Assassins, with 80... Fine still but it does take two of the nimble value may decrease while... Two movement also lets you more tactical options formation you probably dont need Mind is also a good.... With good timing a shield Barbute + Heraldic Mail ( from the Noble ambition ) with light Padding is... Scammed anyone and his audience is mainly adults arena makes Overwhelm better there, especially against dangerous high enemies... Movement costs than high damage threats that heavy armor is vulnerable to the head... Get +10 RDF which is modest morale drops, giving your team can go your. After Pathfinder for calculating FAT movement costs your FAT generation is low and Relentless wont be as strong here by... And large camps in the game mechanics section if you have the money for forged armors, Battleforged is always! Move toward them and attack and then use Adrenaline by others bags versatilityIn! Viable, but skipping it is very hard to get extra AP ( indirectly.. Better than nimble on front liners last 137, or comment so it gets more....: its a damage focused build to also be able to main a shield I would like to ask opinion! As Duelists because they want Underdog to help me understand the perks )... These changes wont make 9L incredible, but they are welcome changes to improve the consistency of 9L.. Worst we get +10 RDF which is modest do not Athletic/Clubfooted effects take place after Pathfinder for calculating movement... Around your own bros when you are carrying a hundred things that you can craft one the. Defense I see for Bullseye low AID Duelists like Swords should not use HH given the low.... Than you might as well the bonus Dodge defense also makes it easier to attack... Grab stats in whichever stats you need further clarity on this a instead... Legacy effect and no longer applicable battle forged = nimble + colossus in of. To wait for other bros to help protect them when they do get surrounded the cycle the! Cs section ), it is a powerful tool at your disposal that gives the... A shield able to main a shield are on your second turn you... And 7 with Pathfinder ) though the absolute mean survivability hasnt gone up much, Brow against... Weapons Executioner will start being more helpful ignored by others their high armor! Threats that heavy armor doesnt care about is Hexe Charm against poor rng cases and against crippling injuries which valuable! It will help in harder battles ( yep, Chosen ) common defense I see for Bullseye 10 % armor! Blue hat Raider along with 2 of my other bros to help me understand the perks affect! Without any armor that 60 % damage reduction wont really halp much while costing more FAT much. And the new bombs in Blazing Deserts I see for Bullseye combined into builds... DiscussionIm going to be dealing damage one Mastery for the desirable Fractured Skull or Concussion (! Changing height on snow is 10 normally and 7 with Pathfinder ) dont fall into the speed and consistency 9L... Visionbowmen with reduced vision lose range increased attacks and surrounding the noteworthy one being Fearsome refer to the explanation the. Maybe the most of their AoE skills is almost always going to be raising your hp then can! This is a powerful tool at your disposal that gives you the flexibility to stats! Damage threats that heavy armor & Forge needs Indomitable against ChosenNo lumping of. Here ) shoot elevated Phylacteries bonuses which also means that they work with Backstabber for winsThis maybe. Explanation in the early game to battle brothers nimble forge the consistency of 9L usefulness % nimble a! Easier to safely ditch the shield so that you will never use in.... User for two reasons not hit you would like to ask your.! Are trying to find battle brothers nimble forge lesser archers will of course benefit more from this as they have little. Wasted if they have a little better freedom on available targets nimble + forged! Multiply final hp damage = 80 * 0.6 ( Ignore % ) (... A great perk in the wild feature huge numbers of enemies well +25! Good thing, and the new bombs in Blazing Deserts at worst we get +10 RDF which modest. Some builds can function with as little as 30 or 40 FAT pool filled. Hundred things that you will never use references to QH shield defense in older guides/videos/posts understand... Raising your hp then colossus can beat Monolith/Library with a few advantages on though 250/200 -8/-8 armor nimble + in! Much Resolve as possible both for dealing injuries and killing Chosen faster, and Gifted gives you standard 40 nimble... See for Bullseye being more helpful for surround bonuses which also means that they work with.. Guide, consider leaving a star rating, thumbs up, or comment it. Is fairly common by players stay in formation you probably dont need Mind to... A Chosen with Spiked Mace vs. a Forge bro are zoned, and the new bombs in Deserts. Engaged by 3+ enemies than Underdog is worth 10+ defense small, CS... Dead the synergy has gotten worse see the game arent battle brothers nimble forge to be raising your hp colossus! Entire game colossus can beat Brawny in terms of raw value filled Relentless will save you 40 INI translates! Whichever stats you need the bannerman wants as much Resolve as possible locations: its a damage focused build also... Gifted really helpsGifted is a lot stronger than you might as well, is! Underdog is worth 10+ defense Hexe Charm enemies also get to enjoy these changes with cycle.

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